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What we’re about

Welcome to the Orlando Innovation League!
You might have known us as Lean Startup Orlando - but innovation is #NotJustAboutStartups - it's about innovation methodology across all business domains.

We are an ambitious group of startup founders, enterprise leaders, investors, mentors, entrepreneurial enthusiasts, product developers, and innovation leaders. Our Meetup group serves the Central Florida community as a platform to share experiences, learnings, questions and thoughts about innovation.

"The Lean Startup" by Eric Reis is a book that deeply inspired us but it applies to all kinds of organizations and our topics go beyond it to modern innovation methodology including Design Thinking, Agile, Data-driven decision making and includes thought leadership from Alex Osterwalder, Steve Blank, Ash Maurya, Pete Diamandis, and others. Our presenters and guest speakers represent the startup community, non-profits and social enterprises, and large enterprise - and together - our goal is to make innovation accessible to EVERYONE.

We curate speakers from the Orlando community, and oftentimes, we will feature guest speakers from Silicon Valley and other entrepreneurial ecosystems.

For a group that truly is a mix of people engaged in innovation from varied backgrounds - join us for our next event!

Upcoming events (1)

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