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What we’re about

Do-it-yourself biological innovation! We're inspired by the California group "biocurious", like them, we believe in the power of open source, open access, and learning in community. We believe this philosophy should be applied to biology! Wouldn't it be great to have a biology-based maker space here in Toronto? Join us and help make that a reality!

As the year 2023 draws to a close, our DIYbio community reflects on an extraordinary journey of growth and collaboration. Over the past twelve months, our Meetup group has welcomed many new members, bringing fresh perspectives and diverse expertise to our ever-expanding family. Beyond the digital realm, our hack lab has seen the addition of a new group of enthusiastic minds, eager to delve into the exciting world of DIY biology.

Our commitment to innovation is exemplified by the acquisition of new equipment and synthetic bio tools, fueling bench experiments that push the boundaries of our collective knowledge. This year has not only witnessed the flourishing of our internal projects but also the establishment of meaningful connections with other DIYbio communities. Through these collaborations, we've broadened our toolkit, shared insights, and collectively strengthened the presence of DIY biology enthusiasts. As we step into the new year, we are filled with anticipation for the continued growth of our community and the limitless possibilities that lie ahead in our pursuit of scientific exploration and discovery.

Note our websites are in progress:
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Upcoming events (1)

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