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What we’re about

The Java platform and its ecosystem is more vibrant than ever. Brussels is a great city full of talent. 
Mix both, and you'll get the BruJUG, a local Java User Group where passionate Java developers can, for FREE, attend presentations given by passionate speakers.
Since 2010, a simple formula: an evening session with one (or more) speaker(s) on various tech topics, followed by a well deserved drink/meal in a pub nearby for anyone interested in following the discussion.

Our stage is open to technology experts, developer advocates, but also to any of you willing to share parts of his/her knowledge with the crew.

Stay in contact on Mastodon:

Do you want to come for the first time, but worry to be lost and alone in the crowd? No problem, just drop us a nice (private) mail/message and we will take care of you, and we promise to make it as nice and pleasant experience.

Registration to events is requested since seats are limited.

Upcoming events (2)

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