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What we’re about

Vihangam Yoga revives the lost science of consciousness as taught in Veda and Upnishad by authentic Sadguru. It has five stages of Meditation to make the practitioner start from controlling the mind and reach upto union with supreme being. The five stages of meditation are as described below:

Stage 1:
Controlling mind by truly knowing the place where it resides when awake and catch it right there. Remember controlling THOUGHTS and NOT MIND is just like controlling heat and not fire. Hence stop fiddling with thoughts but learn how to control THE MIND directly
Stage 2:
Purification of Mind at the inner abode of trijunction of Ingla, Pingla and Sushmana in the sound and light of Aum

Stage 3:
Learning how to open the secret 10th door (Dasham Dwaar) through the experience of Kundalini Jagaran

Stage 4:
Attaining Atma Sakshatkar (Self Realization), Experience of Cosmic Executor and Experience of Eternal Sadguru

Stage 5:
Realization of Supreme Being and attaining Union

Ever wondered how Ancient Sages and seers succeeded in controlling mind and awakening the dormant power of consciousness to realize the self as well as supreme being? Ask simple question - Where does the mind reside in your body when awake, when dreaming and when in deep sleep? If you don't find an answer to this very basic question how can you expect to attain control over mind. THE MIND needs to be known first before knowing how to control it. Vihangam Yoga sessions unfolds all secrets around MIND and CONSCIOUSNESS. Learn the Vedic technique of Meditation through the free Vihangam Yoga sessions nearby you. Browse to to learn more about Vihangam Yoga and free sessions around you.

The NAIVY Brochure can be accessed at