Squantz Pond State Park and Pootatuck State Forest Picnic afterwards
Squantz Pond came about with the flooding of Candlewood Lake, with just a causeway separating the two. Squantz Pond State Park and Pootatuck State Forest abut each other, creating a large area to hike in.
This is a 6 mile hike, level B+
Hike leader- Grace Best 203-984-9912
If you RSVP “YES” and can’t make it, PLEASE change your RSVP so the next person on the waitlist can attend. If on the day of the event, you cannot make it, take your name off the going list. Not attending hikers will be marked as “No-Show.” People with multiple “No-Show” will not be allowed on future hikes. Thanks....
We do ask for a contribution of $3 per hike or $15 per year to cover meetup.com fees
Everyone should have a clear picture posted as their profile pic. This is to ensure we can recognize the hikers at the hike.
By RSVPing you acknowledge that "The Hiking Group - CT & NY" is not a professional outdoor organization. The sole purpose of this group is to enjoy the outdoors with like-minded adventurers. As a participant you understand that you are responsible for your own preparedness and well-being and will hold no one else liable in case of injury or mishap.
Squantz Pond State Park and Pootatuck State Forest Picnic afterwards