IN-PERSON Mesa Poetry Read & Critique (Jarrod's Cafe)

Welcome, poets!
This is our new Bi-Monthly In-Person Poetry Meeting! We will be meeting the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month at Jarrod's Cafe NEW LOCATION at Haus 109 in Downtown Mesa. We're here to share our poetry and support one another through constructive suggestions for future drafts. Our group loves all styles of poetry, including similar genres like flash fiction and spoken word.
In person please bring 8 paper copies of your work so we can add editorial marks and jot down ideas. If your poems are very short, (Haiku, etc.) feel free to bring a couple, but we otherwise try to stay to one poem per person, and please try to limit the total length to less than 2 pages. If you don't have writing to bring in yet, still feel free to join us to read and offer critiques.
I write prose poems, is that okay?
Yes! All styles of poetry are welcome, including similar genres like flash fiction and spoken word.
I'm writing a novel--what about that?
Most likely you'll want to attend one of the other Red Sands events that focuses on novels. However, if your writing style is particularly lyrical we might be the best group to support you! Send a message to the organizer if you're not sure.
Do I have to RSVP?
Please always RSVP if you intend to share your work, or move yourself to "Not Going" as soon as you realize you won't be able to make it.
I'm on the "wait-list" what does that mean?
You're still welcome to join us, this just means we may not have time to read your work at this meeting, though we will try.
I'm afraid someone will hate my writing, what should I do?
Don't be afraid! Rough drafts are always rough. Nobody will be perfect. We're here to support you, which means pointing out the parts that are awesome and providing honest suggestions for improvement. You're welcome to ignore the suggestions or take it into consideration for the next draft. It's just feedback. No pressure.
I'm not good at giving feedback to others, what should I do?
Oh, sure you are! If you've ever read a poem and thought "Wow, loved that line -- but this part took me out of the moment" then you've given feedback. It's simply reacting to the work. No pressure.
I'm uncomfortable with someone reading my writing aloud.
It's okay to read your own work aloud, but we will offer if you'd like one of us to do it. Sometimes it's nice to do both at a meeting, to hear the poet's voice and an outsider's. Which lines do they trip on? Is your 'voice' coming through? Reciting your own lines back is great, but consider using us as an opportunity to further support your journey to a fantastic final copy.
I want to attend but I don't have any writing to bring this time.
That's okay! You can still provide feedback. See you there!
I want to come but I have to leave early, is that okay?
Of course! Just leave a comment or let the organizer know when you get there.
I want to come but I will be late, is that okay?
No problem! Leave a comment on the RSVP page so we'll know when to expect you.
Is the group on social media?
Oh yeah! Like us and love us on all these fun platforms:

IN-PERSON Mesa Poetry Read & Critique (Jarrod's Cafe)