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What we’re about

We are a volunteer group that contribute our talents toward improving our community through open data and web technology:

• working on civic tech projects (visit

• start a new project, or find one to join (all backgrounds welcome!)
• bounce ideas and get help from tech and government experts

• learn about open data, smart cities, and open government
Learn more here:
Collaborate to build apps and visualizations, clean up unstructured data, catalog public datasets, create new projects to transform our region; check out an event on the calendar for more on how Civic Hack Nights work.
Tweets at @opencleveland
On Civic Hacking.
"A civic hacker is an open source software developer who uses his or her skills to make their community and country a better place. ... A civic hacker will just do something, not asking for permission, ignoring government bureaucracy, in order to build tools and technologies with a civic-minded bent."
-- Luigi Montanez

Upcoming events (4+)

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