Azure App Insights: Add Application Telemetry & Monitoring to your Web Apps!

Join us for November's Meetup where Andrew Conell will be presenting on Azure Application Insights!
Session Overview:
You’ve got a website, but how well is it running? You’ve built your application, but do you know how people are using it? In this session, you will learn what Azure Application Insights is, a free service offered by Microsoft Azure and what you can do with it. Sure, it’s easy to setup Application Insights with some live analytics, but did you know you can setup your own custom dashboards and alerts to monitor the health of your application? That’s not all… you can use Application Insights to also track logging data, track custom events and even track the telemetry of specific users.
We'll also be doing our regular November giveaway and raffling off a FREE pass to the Live!360 conference December 2-7 where Scott and I will also be presenting. For more info about the event you can check it out here -
• Important to know
Food and drink will be provided.
Andrew's Bio
Andrew Connell is a full stack web developer with a focus on Microsoft Azure & Office 365, specifically the Office 365 APIs, SharePoint, Microsoft's .NET Framework / .NET Core, Angular, Node.js and Docker that enjoys development, writing & teaching… if it’s cutting-edge web you will find Andrew there! He has received Microsoft’s MVP award every year since 2005 and has helped thousands of developers through the various courses he’s authored and taught both in-person & in online courses. Recently he launched his own on-demand video platform, Voitanos ( to deliver his on-demand video training.
Throughout the years Andrew has been fortunate enough to share what he has learned at conferences like Microsoft’s TechEd, Build, Ignite & SharePoint conferences, Angular’s ngConf & AngularU, SPTechCon, SP Live 360, and Techorama among many others all around the world in North America, Europe, Asia & Australia. You can find Andrew on his popular blog (, follow him on Twitter @andrewconnell, check out some of the numerous projects he’s involved in on GitHub ( or listen to his popular weekly podcast, The Microsoft Cloud Show (, which is focused on Microsoft cloud services such as Azure and Office 365 as well as the competitive cloud landscape.

Azure App Insights: Add Application Telemetry & Monitoring to your Web Apps!