What we’re about
Freeflight Aviation is a resource for student pilots, pilots, or anyone interested in aviation.
Freeflight has a passion and we want to share our passion with others.
As a group, we can help education and inform not just the student or the pilot, but our neighborhood about what the aviation community has to offer in the changing world of today's environment.
Never doubt that a small group of dedicated citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead
As a flight school and social club, Freeflight Aviation is here to offer advise. We would like you to taste flight. Whether it is with us or another flight school, we are here to share and guide you to a path skyward.
We might not be the right atmosphere you are looking for in a flight school. As an educator, we are a part 61 flight school, more based on fun flying. That is what we want to do. If you are looking for a career, maybe you'd prefer a part 141 flight school. That is up to you. Freeflight's goal in this meetup group is to share the resourse first and foremost. How you choose to participate is up to you. As a neighborhood, let's share our resourses and learn together.
When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return. Richard Bach
For more information or questions, please call us at 609-265-0399. Thank you.
Phone calls are forwarded to our cell and/or voice mail if no one is in our office or after hours.
Freeflight Aviation offers 1/2 hour Discovery Flights Packages for $105.00 and 1 hour Discovery Flight Packages for $198.00 for anyone interested in "taking to the skies"
Any pilot is welcome to join Freeflight Aviation in our "Fly-Outs" in their aircraft or another flight school rental aircraft.
Due to the FAA Rules and Regulations, pilots, student pilots, or someone just wishing to fly along with us for a "Fly-Out" must be invited by the Pilot Flying the Aircraft or "Be A Member" of Freeflight Aviation Flight School and Flying Club. Per the FAA Rules and Regulations we cannot provide flights for entertainment or for payment, therefore the request to be invited by a Pilot for our Fly-Outs.
Anyone interested in aviation, but not a current student or pilot are welcome to attend our ground events, such as seminars, cookouts, open houses, hanger tours, etc.
We love to share aviation with the general public in many ways, but due to the FAA Rules and Regulations on Flight Rules, attending a fly-out without an pilot's personal invitation is in the best interest of Freeflight Aviation or our pilots flying the aircraft to these fly-out events.