We wiil soon be moveing into Aries season on the 20th March. This will be a big day because the Spring Equinox also healds in the beginning of Spring. So the Meetup for group for Fiday 21st March will explore how you can use different decks, with a focus on a message for all Aries. I have created a spread using theTarot of the Sidhe and the Foxhara tarot, mainly because I love the idea of working with Fay energy, and secondly, the art and colours in both decks show case well the vibriant colours of Spring. I have also chosen these two deck because in my imagination it is as if 2 faerie tribs, have come together. Rently, there has been a connection between Aliens and the Fay folk, which for me is clearly illustrated in the Tarot of the Sidhe. Whereas, the Foxhara tarot spreaks about a more ancient time of magic, mysticism and myth and these elves live out their lives in the Magical realm of Foxhara.
Anyone can join, there still will be plenty time to practice your readings, as well as group discussion.