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What we’re about

C++ has been here for a long time, but it continues to evolve and inspire people. There are so many fantastic changes happening to the language: templates and modules, auto-types and lambdas, concepts and coroutines, C++ Core Guidelines, as well as a whole family of compilers, debuggers, static analyzers, build systems, package and dependencies managers, IDEs and other tools.

C++ rules the world of financial development and HFT, embedded systems and telecommunications. It also plays an important role in the game development industry.

There is also a huge boost in the community nowadays with CppCast and CppChat, and lots of events and conferences across the globe, including CppCon, C++Now, ACCU, JUCE/ADC, Meeting C++, C++ Russia, and others.

The St. Petersburg C++ User Group unites professionals and beginners interested in modern C++ and related tools, sharing experiences and networking. We plan to meet about once a month. Come to listen, discuss and share opinions. If you have an exciting C++ topic in mind, please contact the organizers and we’ll be happy to have you as a speaker!

Code of conduct: Berlin Code of Conduct