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What we’re about

Salaam! Do you consider yourself to be a progressive Muslim who is looking for a similar-minded community? Then come be part of the SF Bay Area chapter of the Muslims for Progressive Values (MPV)

MPV’s mission is to embody and be an effective voice of the traditional Qur’anic ideals of human dignity, egalitarianism, compassion and social justice. MPV envisions Islam and an Islamic community that embodies the ten principles of MPV: 1) Collective Identity 2) Equality 3) Separation of Religious and State Authorities 4) Freedom of Speech 5) Universal Human Rights 6) Gender Equality 7) LGBTQI Inclusion 8) Critical Analysis and Interpretation 9) Compassion 10) Diversity. 

We welcome women and men, Muslims from all racial, ethnic, and faith backgrounds (Sunni, Shia, Sufi, Ahmadi, non-practicing/spiritual-but-not-religious, etc.), and also gay, lesbian, and transgender Muslims who feel excluded from mainstream Islam. 
We see Islam as a source of dignity, justice, compassion and love for all humanity and the world. Our progressive community works to create opportunities for religious discourse, volunteer activities, and cultural events bringing together the arts, spirituality and social activism.

Please do come and join us for upcoming engagements such as coffee get-togethers, potlucks, guest speakers, cultural and artistic events.

For information on MPV and the principles that inform and guide us, please visit About Us.

We are happy to announce that we have an officiant available. The officiant is open to marrying mixed-faith couples as well as same-sex couples.
Please contact the organizer for more information.

NOTE: We have a Facebook page which you can check out here. Please "like" us if you feel so led. We are trying to build a more robust contact list separate from Meetup so please fill out our contact form. You can also leave feedback and suggestions on that form.