What we’re about
Charleston has so many excellent restaurants. Love good food and wine? Want to hang out with other people who enjoy the same? Then come meet us for dinner! We "post locations" where we've reserved tables, usually for eight to fourteen diners, during the week and occasionally on weekends at some of Charleston's and surrounding area best restaurants. Among our favorites are Peninsula Grill, Circa 1886 and La Farfalle, but we're open to almost anything.
We have posted our procedures for RSVPs at the top of our Discussions tab, and ask that you read through to make sure this group is a good fit for you. Joining our group means you've read and accept -- and maybe even like! -- our guidelines.
Our policy for being a member and attending dinners is simple. You must RSVP timely to attend an event but must also change your RSVP to a "No" timely, within 24 hours as we work hard on building a rapport with managers of the restaurants we attend. Emergencies are understandable but please contact me or the event host as soon as you know you cannot attend. Two No Shoes with no explanation will get you removed from the meetu p group. We simply want everyone to be courteous if they can't attend as the club is growing and waitlist are common but everyone needs time if their plan change.
Charleston's Best Restaurant Club is currently sponsored by Menuism. Menuism is a restaurant review site where diners can post and/or read reviews about restaurants in and out of the US! Check them out at www.menuism.com. About twice annually, we have an opportunity to win $200 toward a free dinner for members who submit a sufficient number of reviews.