What we’re about
It can be hard to make progress on your own projects involving code, so Beer&&Code (B&&C) started as a forum for devs to come together and do just that. It was often held in bars and thus was often conducted over beers (hence the name), which is still true now even in BYOB fashion. While the event is unstructured, B&&C is meant to be a place to work, meet new people, and help one another. Whether you’re stumped by a bug, looking for collaborators, staying heads down to work, or just looking to meet people in the developer community, B&&C can be right for you. Choose your own adventure!
Not everyone is going to have the same goals for B&&C, so here’s how you can help to make sure the event remains a positive experience for everyone:
• Respect personal space & boundaries
• Wear a name tag
• No sales pitches - whether for your project, yourself, or your company, this event isn’t about selling.
• Don’t drink too much
• No external groups - this isn’t a space for unsanctioned meetups within the meetup.
Please take note of our Code of Conduct as well.
Beer&&Code takes place at Substantial on Capitol Hill. Nearest cross-street is Pine and Broadway. The entrance is just to the right of Sugarpill across the street from Molly Moon. Dial 202 on the intercom and someone will let you in!
Accessibility Notice: Please note that Substantial is on the second floor and does not have elevator access. We apologize for any inconvenience.