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What we’re about

Welcome! First, a little history. This group was created for Adults with Asperger's Syndrome in Austin, TX. Our group was originally a part of The Austin Asperger's Support Group which shifted focus to parents and youngsters as well as meetings for teens and young adults. Our group focused on the mutual life journey of adult Aspies. However, with the Asperger Syndrome diagnosis being subsumed under the the Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis in the DSM-5 and Hans Asperger's name now having some negative connotations due to him being associated with the Nazi child euthanasia program, it was decided to change the name of the group to "Austin Adult Autistics". This in no way cancels your identity as an Aspie or the progress Hans Asperger made in furthering autism acceptance, and anyone who still identifies as an Aspie is welcome in our group.

Our group currently meets weekly on Saturdays and discusses topics that are important to us as autistic adults. We are meeting in-person and virtually on alternating weeks for now due to COVID to provide meeting availability for as many people as possible. For in person meetings, refer to the event details as the location is subject to change. Virtual meeting links are available in the event details. Our official meeting presentation and discussion typically lasts from 2pm until 4pm, and there may be continued socializing afterward. Members may suggest meeting topics and outings without moderation.

We also have a Discord server (Invite link: ).

We welcome interested adult autistic visitors (RSVP is encouraged, but not required). However, because our discussions can delve deeply into adult topics, we encourage pre-adult autistics to look for life stage appropriate groups.

Our members are adults with autism living in Austin and surrounding areas who generally see autism as a mixed blessing that is a condition that does not requiring "fixing". We all have varying support needs. For those of us who discover autism in adulthood, it is generally welcome relief from a lifetime of self-doubt and isolation.

In order to promote group success, we encourage our members to be active with suggestions, feedback, and concerns. Otherwise, we will not know what needs to be adjusted for you to enjoy the group.

Thank you for your interest. We look forward to meeting you at one of our meetings!