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What we’re about

We are a free monthly reading & discussion group about Stoicism. We have deep discussions on improving our lives with philosophy, and we cover topics from the growing Modern Stoicism movement.

In our world of instant gratification, constant stimulation, and endless distractions, Stoicism offers a novel perspective on life. Interested in developing an unconquerable mind? Stoicism has the answers.

Defining 'Stoicism': it's an ancient Greek school of philosophy founded in 301 BCE in Athens. The first teacher was Zeno of Citium. The school taught that virtue (the highest good) is based on knowledge, and that wise people live in harmony with nature. The school also taught tolerance and self-control.

The goals of our group:

1. Read classic and modern books on Stoicism.

2. Discuss Stoicism in the media, pop culture, and literature.

3. Compare recurring themes in Stoicism to history, religion, philosophy, and culture.

There have always been people attracted to Stoicism. It was a major influence on Shakespeare, for example, and in more recent times on people including JD Salinger, Tom Wolfe, and Nelson Mandela.

It’s also attracted political and military leaders, such as Frederick the Great, President Bill Clinton, and Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao, who said he read Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations over 100 times.

We hope you will join us (it's free). Stoicism helps cope with life's stresses and retain your ethics & principles. We also learn to simplify our lives by using concepts from Buddhism and Minimalism.

This group meets on a Thursday night once a month.  It's free to join, and all meetings are free.

This group has no selling and no product pitches. We are here to improve each others' minds with intelligent conversation.