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What we’re about

Mission : R-Ladies is a worldwide organization whose mission is to promote gender diversity in the R community. We are a local chapter in Strasbourg of a global open source community promoting gender inclusivity among R practitioners and learners, R-Ladies Global.

Community Policies & Code of Conduct:The leadership and mentoring roles within this community are held exclusively by women (trans and cis) and gender-variant people. Men are welcome to attend as long as they come as a guest of a specific female member who is also in attendance. However, the stated priority of this meetup is the development and support of its female members acting in whichever roles, and we therefore reserve the right to guard this interest through whatever measures we deem appropriate. All members and event attendees are expected to fully respect each other and the mandate of this Meetup, or face expulsion of any form, whether from events, Meetup membership, or any other community participation. This community is a social initiative, hence will never involve charges or fees to participate.