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What we’re about

Chapter information
Starting September 25 2023, R-Ladies Montreal will meet on the last Monday of the month. Check back for upcoming event details including topic and location.

About R-Ladies
R-Ladies Montreal is part of a worldwide organization (R-Ladies Global) to promote gender diversity in the R community. We aspire to encourage and support minority genders in Montreal interested in learning or sharing their knowledge of R.

R-Ladies seeks to create a space where minority genders (including but not limited to cis/trans women, trans men, non-binary, genderqueer, agender) are empowered to teach and are comfortable with asking questions. We welcome all those who will help us toward that goal. Those identifying with minority genders can be leaders, mentors, and members/attendees; others are welcome to attend as guests of a member (+1 on RSVP).

The R-Ladies Global Code of Conduct can be found here, and full mission statement can be found here.

All our slides (and any related data or materials) can be found on our GitHub page.