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What we’re about

R-Ladies Belgrade is part of a global initiative, R-Ladies Global, designed to improve the gender diversity of R users worldwide and in particular, to improve the participation and experience of women in the R community. As part of the initiative, R-Ladies Belgrade will host a number of talks and workshops about the use of R. It doesn't matter if you never used R or if you are an R expert, R-Ladies Belgrade welcomes anyone with an interest in R. The goal is to promote R, exchange knowledge and create an R community among women. Our meetings and workshops are open for participation to all genders. We are fully inclusive and respectful of LGBT identities - our priority is to provide a safe community space for anyone identifying as female who is interested in and/or working with R.

Follow us on twitter @RLadiesBelgrade and @RLadiesGlobal, and on Github at

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R-Ladies Belgrade je deo globalne inicijative, R-Ladies Global, namenjen poboljšanju rodne raznolikosti R-ovih korisnika širom sveta, a posebno kako bi se poboljšalo učešće i razmena iskustava žena u R zajednici. U sklopu ove inicijative, R-Ladies Belgrade će organizovati niz sastanaka i radionica o korišćenju R-a. Nije bitno da li ste početnik ili R-stručnjak, R-Ladies Belgrade podržava svakoga ko je zainteresovan da koristi R. Cilj je popularisanje R-a, razmena znanja, veština i iskustava korišćenja R-a među ženama. Naši sastanci i radionice su otvoreni za učesnike svih polova. U potpunosti smo otvoreni i podržavamo prava LGBT zajednice - naš prioritet je osigurati siguran prostor zajednice za svakoga ko se identifikuje kao ženska osoba koja je zainteresovana i / ili radi sa R-om. 

Pratite nas na twitteru @RLadiesBelgrade i @RLadiesGlobal, a na Githubu na