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What we’re about

We are Online Worldwide, but Austin physical meeting location is also needed!
& Mentors are Needed! - Our expert volunteer mentors benefit from teaching, as well as hearing and learning alternative approaches from their fellow mentor's views, and the questions asked by the learners (students) during a session.

Let's Learn Modern C++23 Together - it's like a whole new, even better language!
Who should attend? - Are you a solid programmer who wants to expand your horizons to the powerful new features of modern C++? We now welcome programmers worldwide. Our meetings are generally in the evening on Austin time, which is on US Central Time.

Recommended Reading / References -

  1. Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++, **2nd** Edition -- Bjarne Stroustrup (AKA. Birds book)
  2. C++ Programming Language, The, **4th** Edition -- Bjarne Stroustrup (AKA. Mountains book)
  3. A Tour of C++ (C++ In-Depth Series) -- Bjarne Stroustrup (AKA. Red book)
  4. -- (AKA. cppref)
  5. C++ Concurrency in Action 2nd Edition -- Anthony Williams (AKA. Concurrency book)
  6. C++17 - The Complete Guide -- Nicolai Josuttis (AKA The 17 book)
  7. Standard C++ IOStreams and Locales: Advanced Programmer's Guide and Reference -- Angelika Langer, Klaus Kreft
  8. C++20 - The Complete Guide -- Nicolai Josuttis (AKA. The 17 book)
  9. C++ Move Semantics - The Complete Guide -- Nicolai Josuttis (AKA. The Move book)
  11. ...what others?

We discuss deeply technical specifics regarding Modern C++ and how to modernize code up to that standard. Introductory and advanced, questions and answers are interleaved with the goal of everyone getting some benefit, moment to moment. All questions are fielded in our priority queue and are treated with respect. All answers/replies/comments/pertinent interruptions, and related asides are considered, challenged, and supplemented by everyone in the group.

We are highly interactive and we sit around a huge table in Austin, TX to facilitate quality communication. No one is required to speak, but we hope you will have something to add or appreciate when you are comfortable doing so. The facilitator of the group is very proactive in keeping the discussion understandable, focused, on topic and moving forward, as well as creating space for people to speak and express their technical ideas. We aim for highly productive, highly interactive learning. Generally, Grant is the moderator and Alan is the primary mentor. During "the disease" concerns we moved the meeting to online, and welcoming programmers from around the world to attend. If we can find a physical location in Austin, we would restart meeting in person with an online option for "regulars".

CppMSG is an approach to learning which we pioneered in Austin in 2015, please read about it here before attending our meetings:

NOTE: Any code you directly share with us will be presumed to be your code with a Boost 1.0 license unless you say otherwise.

Our meetings are free of charge.
Also see your sister C++ meetup in Austin Texas where we host prepared topical presentations here:

Upcoming events (4+)

See all
  • Worldwide: C++ Online Interactive Q&A and Code Reviews,, Gratis
    Link visible for attendees
    • Photo of Grant_HealthHackCentral com TX
  • Design Patterns, Idioms, Discrete Math -Interactive Socratic Learning, Gratis
    Link visible for attendees
    • Photo of Grant_HealthHackCentral com TX
  • ChatScript C++ framework Online Interactive Socratic Learning, Gratis
    Link visible for attendees
    • Photo of Grant_HealthHackCentral com TX
    • Photo of Vishal Oza
  • Worldwide: C++ Online Interactive Q&A and Code Reviews,, Gratis
    Link visible for attendees
    • Photo of Grant_HealthHackCentral com TX