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What we’re about

《Who we are》

私たち、Kyoto Language Lovers は京都で国際交流をしたい人たちのグループです。「英語に自信がないけど海外には興味がある方」、「とりあえず異文化交流してみたい方」皆さん大歓迎です!みんなで楽しくわいわい交流して友達の輪を広げましょう!

We organize events in Kyoto for people who are interested in Japanese culture or foreign cultures in general. Anyone who wants to make friends and have fun with people from all over the world is welcome no matter what English speaking level! Let's meet up to language exchange and cultures. 


《Our mission》 

・To create an environment where people can hone their language skills at minimal cost. 

・To create a community where people can actively take part in, regardless or age, nationality, profession, and gender.





*Our group is not associated with any political and religious affiliations. Please refrain from engaging in general solicitation and advertising during the course of an event.
