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What we’re about







There are introvert meetups all across the country. Let's have one in our community, which is rich in fascinating and unique introverts. Being an introvert in a largely extroverted world is tough! You'd like to meet others like yourself, but we're all busy reading a good book, watching a good movie, spending time in the woods, running, biking, doing art, often times by ourselves or with just one or a couple of other good friends.

We live in a world where extroversion seems to be the norm. Introverts are often misunderstood, perhaps viewed as anti-social. But we generally greatly enjoy the company of others, but in smaller doses.  Whereas extroverts recharge themselves by interacting with others and can get drained by too much time alone, introverts may find our batteries drained by spending too much time with people, and we often need alone time to recharge, and just to enjoy solitude and our own thoughts and company.

Activities that group members have suggested are nearly endless.  Outdoor activities like hiking and watching sports events.  Indoor activities like movies, museums, board games and getting together for coffee, meals and discussions.  Recreational activities like laser tag and karaoke.  And everything in between.  Please join in!












This 7 minute YouTube video (see link below) based on the book “Quiet” by Susan Cain is a great introduction to Introverts, who we are and aren’t, how American society views us, and the topic of shyness (many introverts aren't shy, some of us are, and some extroverts are shy as well).








10 myths about introverts:

Here's a link to another great page - Dr. Carmella's Guide to Interacting with the Introverted:

Another good article about introverts:






Group links