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What we’re about

Before you join the group please click this link and read our Spades Rules   Please click the link and read these rules prior to requesting membership since you are required to agree to these rules before membership approval.

We are one of the premier groups in the nation organized primarily around the game of spades.  We have one simple goal: to have fun playing spades.  We welcome all skill levels from beginner to advanced.   In addition to the standard 4 player partnership game we have special decks and rules to create fun 5, 6, and 7 player partnership spades so we can almost guarantee you will have a partner.

We meet most Fridays  at various IHOPs, Dennys, and Ol South Pancake House on Fridays.  We strive for all our venues to be alcohol free (legal and personal reasons) and allow us to play late.  :)   Check the calendar for exact location each week.

I do not charge membership fees.  However, there are expenses including meetup fees and supplies and voluntary donations are appreciated. 

When joining I do ask your primary profile pic for the group be you so we can recognize you when you come to meetups.  You can have additional pics of pets, kids, grandkids, whomever or whatever as long as your default pic is a recent pic of you.  Failure to provide may result in declining membership request.  

Standard 10X+1 bidding , nil and 10-4-200 allowed, no sandbag penalty.  For our complete rules see Spades Rules on our DFWspades website.  Please read this page before joining.  Everyone joining the group must agree to honor these rules.  You may ask players at any table to play by any variations from these rules but agreement must be unanimous.  If even one player says no to the variation then the rules set forth in the rules pages of this site must be honored.  Attempting to bully anyone in to playing by rules other than those specified in the Official spades rules will result in discipline which may include being suspened or banned from the group.  There will be no arguments on the rules allowed at the table. 

If you want to understand why our rules do not include sandbag penalties see this Sandbag rules discussion.

About the organizer: I have been playing Spades for decades and have read every book on spades ever published.  I am familiar with most variations. 

I enjoy teaching/coaching new players.  You can always ask me a question at any time and I offer periodic beginner spades classes.

Other pages regarding our group can be found in the following links
Donations and fees
Where we play

Group links

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