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What we’re about

Let's get some of Eindhoven's smartest people in a room to share their knowledge and expertise about blockchain technologies, cryptocurrencies and crypto investments. <br> <br> <br>We believe that everyone is curious in nature. Innovative technology, computer automation and 'new peer-to-peer payment systems without using a bank' may sound scary at first but also has much potential to facilitate humanity in a high-tech future. We want to “bridge” people in tech, cryptocurrencies, social and business to create a room for discussions and sharing. <br>

Blockchain, digital currencies, virtual money, cryptos, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Altcoin, ICOs and many of these technical buzzwords are rapidly becoming hot in news and conversation. Blockchain is often suggested to become as game-changing as the internet, and is referred to some as Web 3.0.

Bitcoin is the most known implementation of a cryptocurrency using Blockchain technology. It has billions of dollars worth of capital invested in it, but many other cryptocurrencies are available; either focusing on the financial part of it, or using them as a blockchain platform to develop new business models and broader use-cases than simple decentralized money exchange.

Eindhoven as the "smartest region in the world" with companies like ASML and NXP, the High Tech Campus and the TU/e has a very high nerd-to-normal ratio, yet limited collaboration opportunities are available in our region.